The Hadleigh SocietyAug 2008
Newsletter Index Up Feb 2008 Aug 2008


If you want to see the newsletter in printed format here's a PDF version

Next Meeting – Medical Matters in Hadleigh

Our next meeting has three talks for the price of one.

·        Millie Goulbourn on
Medical Tales

·        Margaret Jeffrey on
Dr Franey and Hadleigh Cottage Hospital.

·        Sue Andrews on
Smallpox and the Pest House Charity.

Monday 11th August at 8pm in Hadleigh Town Hall as usual. Free to members of the Society; for others there is a charge of £2.

Benton Street

If you use Benton Street you may be interested in a website at which aims to be a focus for discussion on how to tackle the problem.


The planning application was finally submitted in March 2008 and is scheduled to go before the development committee in late Summer. We have put in a ‘holding’ letter and intend making our full submission when the date of the council meeting is known. We have been working closely with the Hands off Hadleigh group. A private benefactor has ‘bankrolled’ us for the time being.

The Town Council is opposed to the proposals as are English Heritage, Natural England the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and some 1900 individuals who have responded according to the Babergh website. The Hands off Hadleigh group occupied part of the Society’s tent at the May Show and were quite a crowd puller.


Hands Off Hadleigh Event

The campaign has already staged some very well attended events and has issued press releases on several aspects of the threat posed by Tesco’s plans. 

Please help to maintain the  momentum of the campaign by making a note to support the next event which will be at a critical stage in the process.

Protest March - Saturday 6th September 2008
(date subject to change - depending on when the Planning Committee decide to have their final meeting)

Meet Babergh District Council Office Corks Lane at 11:30 am.  

Watch for updates.

Executive Committee, 2008-9

The committee for the current year is:

Chair:                  John Bloomfield

Vice Chair:          Graham Panton

Secretary:             Roy O’Shaughnessy

Treasurer:            Chris Drake.

Membership Secretary: Margaret Woods


          Sue Angland

          Daphne Jarvis

          Jan Byrne

          Steve Sherwood

          Nina Sherwood

          Mike Pearson

See the back page for contact details.

Many thanks to Jim Betteridge and to Rosemary Schade who have stood down after many years of good service to the Society.

We welcome Roy O’Shaughnessy  as Secretary, replacing Jan Byrne who has been an officer on the committee for very many years and now steps back to be an ordinary committee member.

Since the AGM we have also welcomed Steve and Nina Sherwood and Mike Pearson as co-opted members.